Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mother/Daughter and Father/Son Day 2012

Annalese and I spent the entire day together.  We started our day at the Museum of Art where Annalese showed me some of the sculptures and art work that she saw last week at her art camp.  Then we met dad and B-Boy at the Vintage Grand Prix for lunch.  Afterwards, we headed to the Carnegie Science Center to view "Born to be Wild" about orphaned elephants in Kenya and orphaned oragatans in Boreno.  This was Annalese's first IMAX film and she loved it!   Then off to dinner at the Bagel Factory.  Then we headed to Color Me Mine and painted mugs for Grandma and Pap Pap.  We were very tired and ready for bed when we got home!  Thanks for a great day Pumpkin Pie.

Dad and B-Boy worked at little in the morning and then headed to the Grand Prix to meet us for lunch.  They checked out the cars, but then went home.  Robert wanted to go to the bike track where he rode for 10 miles!  He was out when he got home.

And we did not forget about Matthew. He stayed with Grandma and Pap Pap and was well cared for.  We all had a great day!

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