Sunday, July 8, 2012

5 Year Anniversary

First the happy reminder.  Five years ago, Robert was baptised.  It was a very bright, happy day for a very bright happy occasion.

But that bright day turned very dark for us by days end.  This is the five year anniversary of when Annalese ended up in the ICU at Children's Hospital.  I still remember that awful feeling of walking into the house without her and walking past her room wondering if I would ever put to her sleep into her crib.  The next two weeks were so hectic and full of angst.  I was so happy when I brought her home on July 19th.  But the next two months were pretty tough too since we had to detox her from the medicines in the ICU.  Poor little girl. 

But today, the sunny skies has returned.  Annalese if a vibrant six-year-old on her way to first grade.  I love her giggles and laughs and can't help every now and then to think that I almost lost those.  I cherish every moment with her. 

Even with the boys, I am so glad that I have each day with them.  They are such wonderful special people.  I can't image my life now without any of the.

Annalese--so glad that you are here today with us!  We love you.

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