Sunday, May 20, 2012

Matthew is 15 months

Can't believe Matthew is 15  months.  He is very active and learning so much all the time.  He tried watermellon for the first time at dinner and loved it!  His favorite skill to practice right now is walking backwards.  It is so funny to watch him.  He waves bye, bye, and says da da when he sees Robert.  Matthew is very social at story time and Kindermusik as he walks to each person and says hi.  Lately, he has become a screamer.  And wow, can he be loud!  It is only a phase.  He is extremely independent and doesn't like to be told "no."  His favorite activity is running the romba who we call Bruce.  That is the first thing he does in the morning--goes and sees Bruce. 

Update on the other two.  Annalese's new bed came yesterday and daddy set it up.  She was quite excited to be sleeping in her own bed once again.  She only has two weeks of Kindergarten left!  I can't believe I will have a first grader.  She really is a big kid.  My little girl is no longer a baby!

Robert had a flag football game today and did well.  He had a 50 yard run and almost scored a touchdown!  Needless to say he was quite excited when he arrived home.  Yesterday, Robert had a tball game and did so well!  His hitting is improving.  I think going out and practicing the day before helped quite a bit.  He is a great little athlete and will do well in sports as he gets older.

Annalese, Robert, and Matthew.  What great little kids with such great personalities.  I love seeing them grow and prosper.   This will be another incredible summer with the opportunity for each to again try new things.  Belonging to a pool is perfect for our family at this time.  I think I am going to have three fish on my hands!  Happy Summer!

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