Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Well we had another fabulous Thanksgiving here at the house.  It was very special this year because it was Matthew's first Thanksgiving, and he had such a great time meeting new family.  I must admit that I was surprised in a way that he did so well.  Lately, he has been a bit stranger shy.  He looked so adorable in his new outfit, too.  So glad to share these special days with you Matthew.

The meal was so wonderful!  I brined the turkey this year and even roasted it on a rack!  My cooking skills are improving.  (Today I made gravy from the pan drippings.)  I unfortunately had the heat too high for the green bean casserole and the soup spilled over which then set off the fire alarm!  Took a bit to cancel that!  We had 19 people here for dinner.  Here was the guest list:  Robert, Kim, Annalese, Robert, Matthew, Grandma and Pap Pap Lese, Kacki Lese, Fred and Ann, Aunt Margaret and Uncle Sam, David and Sharon, Nunu, Uncle Pino, Joey, Cristina, and Michael Kraft.  It was a fun filled dinner. 

Didn't do our Turkey Bowl--maybe next year.  I would like to start that tradition.  Maybe I need to have it in the morning.

Robert and I went to Pino's for a quick visit later in the eveing.  Matthew went to bed and Annalese and Robert played with Aunt Kacki and Grandma and Pap Pap.  Everyone was tired and ready for bed by the time all our our guests left.  It was a great day.  So thankful that I am able to care for my family, that I have a house that is warm, and that we are all pretty healthy!  How lucky we are!  Happy Thanksgiving!

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