Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Nine Month Birthday, Matthew!

My little baby is nine months today!  What a joy.  He is still very much Happy Baby as he smiles at everyone.  Matthew and I have a game that we play now.  I give him a great big kiss and jump in the air.  As soon as I am done kissing him, I say "kisses!"  Then I will ask him who wants another kiss.  Matthew then leans into and puts his check really close to me so that I can give him another kiss!  It is the most adorable thing!  Matthew is very good at crawling and is everywhere now.  He likes to get into the paper near the computer and eat it.  This child has eaten more paper!  He like to fling his toys around, and his favorite ones are the ones that make noise.  He enjoys eating all kinds of fruit and vegetables, and soon we will start him on Cheerios and some meats.  Finally, Matthew is sleeping through the night.  The Bartolacci household is so thankful for that!  Matthew had a great first Halloween and is getting ready for his first Thanksgiving.  He will be able to eat his meal with everyon else!  Matthew Man is doing so well and we all love having him here.  We are so thankful to have such a health and wonderful family!  Happy Birthday, Matthew!

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