Saturday, October 20, 2012

Matthew is 20 months

Happy 20 month birthday, Matthew Man!  You are such an amazing child.  I have lost track of all of the words that you know now.  Today you said "off" and "on."  This week you said "email" "rag doll"  pluse lots of other words.  We are working on our colors- everything is blue at the moment, but you know how to say yellow, pink, green, purple, red, and black.  You say oatmeal and mail.  You can roar when you see a lion.  I can't believe how verbal you are!  One of your favorite activities is kicking your green ball around the house.  We must have a future soccer player on our hands.  Still one of your favorite things to do is smile!  Such a happy baby.  You have filled our lives with so much joy.  We love you Matthew Peter!

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