Friday, April 20, 2012

14 months old

Matthew is 14 months old today!  This age is so exciting!  Matthew continues to be Happy Baby.  Just this past Monday, I had to take Matthew with me to Robert's tball practice.  While we were waiting for him, Matthew ran around in the outfield and rolled in the grass.  I have never seen a person exhibit such pure joy and happiness.  He laughed and giggled and squealed.  And of course he smiled. 

He seems to be picking up the signs I have been teaching him.  Yesterday at dinner, he seemed to give his version of finished!  But he is also working on his words.  He still uses the word "this" which is very effective.  We pretty much are able to guess what he wants.  His "da da" is pretty solid now too.  When Robert comes home, Matthew gets so excited and runs to see him while shouting "da da!"  I have to get that on tape. 

He eats mostly everything. Right now he is greatly enjoying strawberries.  But he has to have the entire berry because he won't eat a piece that I have cut off for him  What an independent little boy. 

Love having him in my life.  He is such a wonderful baby!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Play Ball

Last night, Mom, Dad, Annalese, and Robert went to the Pirates game against the Phillies.  Had dinner and ice cream before the game.  It was a little slow in the beginning, but it became exciting in the 6th inning when the Pirates tied the Phillies.  It was late and we were getting cold so we left a little early, but the Pirates ended up winning the game in extra innings.  It was fun going out for the evening as a family. 

Not to worry.  Matthew was at home with Aunt Kacki and in bed early!  When he is a little older, we will be taking him along with us!

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny managed to make it to our house and brought the kids some great treats.  Annalese recieved a frame, Robert a McQueen pillow pet, and Matthew a book.  Mom made a big breakfast with her signature cinnamon rolls.  Then it was off to church where we were greeters for the 11:00 service.  Afterwards, we joined Uncle Pino and Aunt Linda, Joe and Cristina for brunch.  It was a fun family time.  Came home and saw Grandma, Pap Pap, Aunt Kacki, Uncle Fred, and Aunt Ann.  Our day was filled from beginning to end, but we so enjoyed seeing family and friends.  Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sad News about Ralphie

Tonight we learned that Ralphie has stage 3 cancer.  Very somber feeling around here right now.  Never thought I would feel so sad about a dog, but I can't stop tearing up.  Ralph has been with us since the beginning.  Our little poomies.  So many memories!  I know that the next few weeks and months, we are going to treat him just a little extra special.  He is such a great dog!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hair Cut Day!

In preparation for Easter, we headed to the hairdressers.  Annalese had her hair cut into an adorable little bob.  So cute!  Matthew had his bangs trimmed as well because they were so long.  His first hair cut!  And he is definitely a handsome man now.  Just that little trim makes him look older.  My little guy is growing up!