Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

Well, what should have been one great day with opening presents from Santa and enjoying Matthew's first Christmas started with mom getting sick at 6:15 AM.  I caught the virus that Annalese had the week before.  Fun.  Matthew was up early so I broght him to our bed to feed him and then he crawled around for a bit on the bed with dad and me.  Boy was he cute and in the best mood.  His little baby coos made me smile!  It took awhile for Annalese and Robert to wake up, but they were excited to see what Santa brought.  I was able to enjoy the excitement for about 10 minutes, but then I had to go to be because I was so sick.  So the family finished opening gifts while I rested.  I opened my presents in bed.  We ended up staying home for the rest of the day.  The kids were able to play with their toys  for the day.  It was not what I thought, but I was glad to have my family around for Christmas day. 

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