Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crawler on the Loose!

Matthew is crawling now the traditional way--on hands and knees.  And is he ever excited about it!  He loves exploring and getting into new and interesting things.  Way to go Matthew Man.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Seventh Month Birthday!

Yes, Matthew Man is seven months today.  Wow, I can't believe he is that old already.  He is really cute right now.  He smiles at everybody. And hence we call him Happy Baby.  He sits up on his own and can do a three point turn on his knees which is funny to watch.  And so badly, he wants to crawl.  Matthew has figured out how to get up on his knees and rocks back and forth.  Pretty soon he is going to figure it out.  For now he is our Navy Seal and does his commando crawl.  So far no teeth which is fine with me.  I love the toothless smile!  He laughs when I throw him into the air, and his giggle just melts my heart.  There is nothing that can make a mother happier than to hear her baby laugh and giggle.  The past couple of nights, Matthew has been sleeping through the night.  Even if he doesn't, I don't mind much getting up.  He nurses and then goes right back to sleep.  To be honest, I enjoy the quiet, one-on-one time with him.  Our time together.  Now I am looking forward to the holiday season with him.  Kids and holidays, there isn't a better mix to make one happy.  Happy Birthday, Matthew!  Love you very much!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Annalese

Six years ago today, a beautiful little creature came into our lives. What a joy she has been.  Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!  So glad that you are here.  Enjoy the day.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Ten Year Later

Watching all of the news specials this morning and seeing all of those images again makes it seem like yesterday that everything happened.  I can't believe it has been ten years. 

This morning at church, our family was honored by having the priviledge of lighting the Unity Candle.  I wish that our country and the world would unify and fight for living well while here on this planet.  Life is so fragile.  Instead of using our powers for hurtful endeavors, wouldn't it be nice if we all worked together to make life the best that it can possibly be?  Let's see what the next ten years hold.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Soccer Games Begin

Annalese and Robert had their first soccer games today.  Annalese looked so cute in her pigtails and was happy holding hands with her friend, Katie.  She was not much up for aggressive soccer play today, unlike her brother.  Robert got right into the game and was trying for the ball.  He wasn't afraid for getting dirty!  What a great job they both did.  Looking forward to the rest of the games.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Robert the Super Star

Robert had his first day of preschool as a Super Star.  He had fun playing with cars at the road table, and he colored a couple of stars to bring home.  There are some familiar faces from last year, but there are also a number of new kids in class.  He is going to have an awesome year!

Happy Birthday, Ralphie!

Ralphie is celebrating his 8th birthday today!  We are giving him chew bones and some extra treats.  Love you Poomies.