Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Five Month Birthday Matthew

Matthew has so much personality!  He smiles at everyone.  I really am enjoying Matthew Man right now.  He loves to giggle, and he started playing peek-a-boo!  It is so funny to watch him.  I will cover his face with a blanket, pull it off, and say peek-a-boo, I see you.  And then he laughs with a hearty belly laugh  every time!  I think he knows what the word bathtime means because everytime I say the word he gets so excited, even if he is really tired.  Matthew is in a really good routine right now, especially at night.  By 7:00 he is ready for bed. I can place him in his crib and he will eventually fuss himself to sleep.  What a great baby!  He is still getting up a couple of times at night, but he does go right back to sleep.  For the most part, he is beginning to sleep through the night.  So glad.  I do enjoy getting some rest myself. 

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