Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hill-Curvy Bend Man!

Robert went to the bike track today and was able to go on the hill-curvy bends without any help from dad.  Way to go B-Boy!  What a great accomplishment. 

Bike riding wasn't Robert's only accomplishment this weekend.  On Friday, we went swimming at Uncle Alex's pool, and Robert was doing a fantastic job of swimming under water.  He just about has it down.  He had so much fun in the pool, he was too excited to get out and eat lunch, and he wanted to swim until the last possible moment before leaving.  I think we have another fish in the house!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Annalese the Fish

Today we went to Aunt Kacki's house to swim.  This is the first time that I have seen Annalese in the pool this summer, and I was shocked at how good of a swimmer she is!  She was swimming in the deep part, jumping in and touching the floor at the 7 foot depth.  She was a fish!  Way to go Annalese.

Matthew had his first pool experience today.  I placed his feet in the water to see what he thought.  First he didn't really have much of a reaction, but then the started moving his feet a little more, and before I knew it, he was kicking his legs and moving his whole body!  I think he will be a great swimmer in a few more years!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Five Month Birthday Matthew

Matthew has so much personality!  He smiles at everyone.  I really am enjoying Matthew Man right now.  He loves to giggle, and he started playing peek-a-boo!  It is so funny to watch him.  I will cover his face with a blanket, pull it off, and say peek-a-boo, I see you.  And then he laughs with a hearty belly laugh  every time!  I think he knows what the word bathtime means because everytime I say the word he gets so excited, even if he is really tired.  Matthew is in a really good routine right now, especially at night.  By 7:00 he is ready for bed. I can place him in his crib and he will eventually fuss himself to sleep.  What a great baby!  He is still getting up a couple of times at night, but he does go right back to sleep.  For the most part, he is beginning to sleep through the night.  So glad.  I do enjoy getting some rest myself. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Robert is Bicycle Man

Robert ventured into the world of two wheels today.  Dad took off his training wheels, and Robert was off on two wheels through the grass.  He was an instant pro!  Way to go Robert!

Matthew Peter is Baptized

Today we had Matthew Peter baptized at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church by Rev. Lee Nichols.  The entire family came to celebrate with us.  The day could not have proceeded any smoother.  Dad, Matthew and I had to arrive at the church early for some instructions.  At 9:30, Matthew fell asleep which was the nap he needed.  He woke up at the start of the service and was a perfect angel for his baptism.  He looked adorable in his outfit. 

After church, we came home for a brunch with the family.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sleeping babies are precious

Dad took a picture of Matthew last night in his crib.  Matthew was on his tummy sucking his thumb.  His favorite night time position.

(Just in case someone views this and starts to think we are bad parents for having him on his stomach while sleeping, Matthew rolled over onto his tummy himself!)

Weekend Fun

The family took a trip to Keystone Lake on Saturday.  Annalese, Robert, and Dad swam in the lake while Mom and Matthew enjoyed the sunshine.

On Sunday, Annalese went to work with Dad.  What the professional Annalese was in her pink Polo shirt and Kacki pants!  Robert had mommy/son time.  We went to church and then headed to the bike track.  Beautiful day for everyone. 

Carrots are Good!

Matthew Peter tried carrots for the first time on Friday, July 8th.  Wow he really liked them. Didn't make a face when he tried them, and he ate a whole serving!

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th Weekend 2011

What an exciting weekend!  Matther Peter tried cereal for the first time on Saturday, July 2nd and seemed to really enjoy it.  He ate the whole bowl of his rice cereal.  We went to two parties that afternoon: a birthday party at Squaw Park for Daddy's cousin's daughter, and a July 4th party at Paul and Kathy's house.  Annalese and Robert played so hard at both places and were definitely ready for bed that night.  Aunt Kacki came up on Sunday to spend time with us.  We were able to make a fire and roast marshmellows for s'mores.  Yum!  On the 4th Annalese, Robert, and Dad played with water balloons, and then later in the afternoon, the entire family went to the bike track for some exercise. 
Annalese and Robert had a great weekend with all of the fun-filled activities.  Matthew Peter also enjoyed his weekend as he cooed and talked all evening on the 4th of July.  It is so wonderful to see one's own children so happy!