Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Matthew!

Matthew turns two today!  Can't believe it.  What a special little kid.  We had family over to celebrate on Sunday. I made his cake this year and of course it had to be a school bus.  He loved it.  So much so that when I placed it in front of him so we could sing, he took both hands and tried to grab the top of it!  Luckily we we are able to stop him before there was too much damage.  We next lit the candles and Matthew blew one of them out before we could sing.  So funny.  We made it through the Happy Birthday song and Matthew worked on blowing out the candles, but he leaned in very closely to one and almost caught his hair on fire!  He was so cute and loved every moment of it. 

Today we helped Annalese and Robert get to school and saw the school  bus.  Then  mom went and worked out while Matthew played with friends in the childcare.  We are off to lunch with Grandma and Pap Pap. 

So glad to have Matthew Man in my life.  He is such a happy child.  I can't stop smiling when I think of him.

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Love you.  Mom