Monday, December 31, 2012

Good bye to 2012

It has been a pretty good year for our family with many great adventures. 

Annalese and Robert took their first ski lesson.
Matthew celebrated his first birthday.
Mom celebrated her 4oth birthday.
We joined a pool this summer and the kids were able to swim  just about everyday. 
We attended a fantastic 4th of July party.
Robert started Kindergarten.
Annalese started 1st grade.
Aunt Kacki and I took Annalese and Robert to the first PSU football game with out Joe Paterno.
Annalese turned 7 and celebrated with a TKD party.
Robert was Sheldon for Halloween, and Annalese was a PSU cheerleader.
Robert turned 6 and was supposed to have a bike party, but it was rained out due to Hurricane Sandy.
We celebrated another Thanksgiving and Annalese dressed up like a pilgrim.
Mom and Dad purchased a building right across from the kids' school.
We had another great Christmas.  Robert received a Wii and Annalese a keyboard.
We lost our dog, Ralph, to cancer in October.  We miss you Ralphie!

Over all not a bad year.  Dad, Annalese and Robert went to the Rivers Club for New Years Eve with Aunt Kacki.  Matthew was sick all day so I stayed home with hime.  By evening, he was feeling better and even eating and drinking.  I am sure he will be fine tomorrow. 

It has been a good year!  Looking forward to many more adventures.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy 22 month birthday Matthew!

Happy 22 month birthday, Matthew! 

We just found a ton of school bus pictures and your excitement is infectious!  You are so adorable.  You are growing and changing so much.  Just today, you said your first 3 word sentence.  Yes, I do.  It is so amazing to hear you speak so many words. You love the basketball hoop and throwing jack balls all over the house.  Christmas is a great time of year for you.  One of your favorite activities is plugging in all of the Christmas trees and lights.  Let's see what else.  Oh you love to "eep" very much.

You are such an incredible baby.  We all love having you around!  Kisses to you.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Bartolacci Building

Today we took a big step for our family. We are now the proud owners of the property on Dorseyville.  Welcome to Fox Chapel Town Square.  It is certainly going to be a ride, but we are working hard to make it a nice place for businesses so that in the end, we can send our children to college!