Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy 21 Months Matthew

Wow 21 months!  Where does the time go?  You are still such a happy little guy.  You love to play with your sister and brother, vaccum, and talk.  Just yesterday you said "two buses."  So cute!  Your vocabulary just amazes me.  All you want to do right now is vaccum or "eep" as you call it.  If we put the vaccum cleaner away you get so angry with us.  I have to say you are quite persistent because you won't take no for an answer and we have to go and get the vaccum cleaner out.  Love your spirit.  Unfortunately you have been sick for a number of weeks so we are hoping that you will recover soon.  We want happy, happy man back!  Love you little one.  You are such a joy for us all.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Has Arrived

Today at school, Annlese lost her first tooth!  Oh was she excited because the nurse gave her a special box to keep the tooth.  It is the front left bottom  tooth.  She called Aunt Kacki, Grandma and Pap Pap to tell them her news.  It is funny to see how proud she is. 

The Tooth Fairy gets to visit our house tonight!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween Update

It has been so crazy around here that I never posted about Halloween.  In keeping with the spirit of Halloween, it was quite a strange year.  Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast on Monday bring nothing but rain, wind, and clouds for the rest of the week.  Because of the weather, Trick-or-Treating was postponed until the following Saturday on November 3rd. 

This holiday is made for Robert!  He loves going door-to-door for all of his candy treats. This year he was Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, Annalese was a Penn State Cheerleader, and Matthew was a Pumpkin.  They all were so cute!

Fun night although it was a bit quieter than usual.  But the holidays have arrived.  Let the fun begin!

Happy 6th Brithday Robert!

Yesterday, Robert celebrated his 6th birthday.  We started the day by going to the Strip for smokachinos and bread sticks.  Kids loved going to Wholey's and walking around to see all of the interesting sites.

In the afternoon, Dad took both Annalese and Robert to the bike track for some riding time, and then they came home for a a terrific steak dinner.  We gave Robert a new bike helmet and winter coat for his birthday.  His new coat is perfect for skiing in January!

Robert had a pretty good day.  Can't believe he is six already. Happy Birthday B Boy!  We love you!