Tuesday, March 20, 2012

13 Months!

What an exciting few weeks!  Matthew loves to move about with his new mode of transportation. Wow is he cute.  Since he is still unbalanced, he holds his arms up in front of himself, and he even will have his index finger in the air as if he is saying "I'm one, and I am walking."   His favorite activity is sneaking over to the new part and climbing the stairs.  Such fun for mom. 

He also has been working on some new words.  His favorite right now is "this."  When he wants something he points to the object and says "this."  He has his good-bye wave down and is now saying by-by!  And just yesterday when I asked him "where is ma ma?"  he pointed to me!  I have heard him say "ma ma" a few times now.

Matthew loves to read, too.  His favorite book is I Love You Through and Through.  We start our story time with that one and move on to Good Night Moon and I Love You, Goodnight.  Doing my best to get him started early with books and literature.  I want him to be a great reader like his brother and sister.  I know he will be!

I love watching Matthew at this age.  He loves exploring and finding new things in his ever-growing world.  With the nice weather we are having, Matthew loves to be outside practicing his walking skills.  I think this spring and summer and going to be full of very acitive activities.   Looking forward to every minute!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome Walking Man!

It is pretty much official.  Matthew is now walking.  Last night he walked all by himself up and down the hallway four to five times.  And was he proud of himself!  Today, he is even walking more and more.  I am so excited for him, but now I need to be very diligent and make sure that he is safe and doesn't hit into the corners of the walls.  He has grown so much!  Proud of you Matthew Man!