Monday, February 27, 2012

Robert's Firsts for the year

Dad took Robert to his first Pens game a few weeks ago.  Robert loved it!  He now wants to play hockey so we are going to start going ice skating so that he can practice. 

Dad also took Robert to a Pitt Basketball game on February 19th.  Uncle Pino wasn't using his tickets so he offered them to us.  They were courtside seats!  The guys ended up on tv.  Mom watched the game on the internet.  Mr. and Mrs. Master Norris were at the game and saw them.  Robert saw his first slam dunk by J.J. That is all he can talk about now. 

What an exciting life for a five year old boy!

Annalese's First Penguin Game

Yesterday, Dad took Annalese to her first Pens game.  She liked seeing the players skate around  quickly which reminded her of bees swarming about the nest.  I think her favorite part was getting a blue slushy.  For sharing time at school, Annalese took the bag she recieved from the game to show everyone.  I think she liked it!

Matthew's First Slide Ride

This morning I took Robert and Matthew to Pittsburgh Mills so that I could get some walking in before the day started.  Of course we ended up at the little play area for a bit.  Sad news is that Robert is just too big for that area now.  But Matthew Man took his first slide ride with his older brother and loved it!  He giggled and laughed after each ride.  How cute.  This summer will be fun with visits to the park. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy First Birthday, Matthew!

My little one arrived exactly one year ago today!  What a joy he is.  Yesterday we had his party with the family.  He did so well!  He played with everyone and loved the ham we had for lunch.  It was on to cake time.  His brother and sister were quite eager to help Matthew blow out his candle.  But he enjoyed everyone singing happy birthday to him.  The best part--he didn't like the cake! I tried giving him a little piece, and he threw it onto the floor!  Oh well, I tried. 

These past few weeks Matthew has grown so much as is able to do some many adorable things.  He is able to tell us how old he is.  He raises his hand with his index finder up.  He claps his hands, and he loves to play peek-a-boo.  He has been working on his walking skills.  A week or so ago, I brought out Roberts bus so Matthew could push it around.  He loves to walk all over the living room with it.  On February 16th he for the first time stood on his own for about 5 seconds.  We were at a playdate when he did it.  Just yesterday, he pretty much took two steps when he let go of my let and stepped to the pantry cabinet by the stove.  He is doing do well!

Can't believe it has been a year.  So glad that he is here.  I love kissing those cute little cheeks of his.  Matthew, Happy Birthday Happy Man.