Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thanks, Joe!

Joe Paterno died earlier today.  He was 85.  Unbelievable.  Never thought I would see this day, and yet here it is.  Thanks for all of the memories.  Penn State football will never be the same.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Eleventh Month Birthday Matthew!

My sweet little boy is now eleven months old.  He has become very cuddly with me.  When I ask for a kiss, he leans in to me so I can kiss his cheek.  When I ask for a hug, he wraps his little arms around me and puts his head on my should for a great big hug.  How precious!  He has 3.5 teeth now--front two on the bottom and one front on the top and the other front one is about to come in.  He is crawling everywhere which makes my day a little more interesting.  He has found the steps by the front door and loves to climb them, giggling the whole way up.  He loves to eat meatballs, chicken, and turkey hotdogs.  Unfortunately he seems to have changed his mind about his fruits and vegetables.  Doing my best to read him some stories at night, but he is still too interested in nursing.  He loves to pull things out of the laundry basket.  Today all of Robert's clothes that I put in the basket were on the floor.  Yes, Matthew got to them.  Matthew and I went to Kindermusik this afteroon.  He is Mr. Social butterfly!  I love taking him because he loves the music and smiles the entire class.  What a happy kid.  Love you Matthew.  Thanks for bring so much joy to our lives!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

We spent a festive New Year's Eve again at the Rivers Club.  Dinner was great, and the kids had a wonderful time at the Carnival.  Robert was Mr. Athlete; he hit the basketball shots, made the baseball and frisbee throws, and he hit the bell with the hammer several times.  Annalese enjoyed dancing and playing golf.  Even Matthew liked the festivities.  He didn't get tired at all!  It was fun spending time with the family and Aunt Kacki.  It will be a very big year again for our family.  Matthew turns one, Mom turns forty.  Robert enters Kindergarten.  Plus there will be many more memories made.  Happy New Year!

New Year's Day was quiet for us.  Stayed home and had a low key day.  We did go to see the Hartwood lights.  The kids really enjoyed it, and it was a nice family activity.  Welcome 2012.