Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Eighth Month Birthday, Matthew!

Matthew is eight months today, and he is already a mover and a shaker!  He is able to pull himself up to a standing position.  On Monday, I went into his room after one of his naps and he was Standing Man!  So we now need to lower the mattress so that he doesn't fall out.  He crawls everywhere and loves to explore.  His likes to grab objects, shake them to see if they make noise, and then throw them.  This is a game that he likes to play for several minutes at a time.  He likes just about every food that I have given him.  Yesterday, I gave him prunes which he greatly enjoyed.  He is also eating broccoli with carrots and loves butternut squash, pumpkin, bananas, and apples.  I tried giving him an avocado, but he wasn't so sure about that one. With being dragged to soccer practices and Tae Kwon Do classes, he is always on the go with his older siblings and such a good sport about it all.  He truly is Happy Baby.  Happy Birthday Matthew Man.  Mommy loves you all she can!  Little, Little Matthew Man.