Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Four Month Birthday Matthew

Another month has gone by and Matthew keeps getting cuter and cuter.  He really likes rolling around and is cooing and giggling much more.  I have started reading him bedtime stories.  He seems to like them, but he really enjoys eating  the books more at this point.  I know he will be a reader like his older sister and brother.  Matthew Peter spent the day with mom taking Annalese and Robert to summer camp and then home for a nap.  He went with Annalese to a friend's birthday party, and then it was off with brother and sister to Tae Kwon Do.  Mom walked Matther Peter around Aspinwall while the kids were in class.  He was very busy and went to bed right on time at 7:30.  He is growing so quickly.  Mom wishes she could keep him like this for a bit longer.  Matthew, I am so glad you are part of our family!